Monday, 25 April 2011

Honda Civic Si

Our own very first album short, in 2006 Honda Civic Si comes with left us with a very great impression, and previous week the vehicle at the actual headquarters of CNET did nothing at all to improve that. Congraulations for the rev-pleased engine and slick transmission was universal, and most people who actually drove the Si sprang out grinning.

Saturday, 23 April 2011

Honda Civic Si

When you see the adverts for the 2012 Honda Civic Si, you may realise the automobile was produced by Japanese animators for consistently stressed gum-gnawing teenaged girls who dabble in ninja work as soon as they tire of going out in Tokyo's Yoyogi Park. Certainly not understated, the advertising and marketing message seems to focus on a buyer produced on video games, Red Bull and manga. Surprisingly, inspiration for the new  Honda Civic Si started a farther-flung blend of kookiness: yoga and Pilates.